Friday, January 8, 2010

Again With the Resolutions...

Like the majority of the population, I cannot resist spending the time between Christmas and New Years re-evaluating and writing resolutions. There’s something so hopeful about a new year just around the corner that makes me feel like I could do just about anything. And you know, if I just complete all my goals, but this time next year, I might just be perfect!

My list of resolutions tends to always look the same – and probably the same as most Americans – you know, lose weight, get in shape, build a nest egg, etc., etc. Not that I haven’t accomplished quite a bit over the years, just that certain things get put on the back burner. That and while I’m quite good at writing out a list of things that I’d like to accomplish, I never bother to really figure out how I’m going to get there.

This year, I’m taking a different approach. For the first time ever, I have a 5 year plan. Based on that plan, I’ve figured out what I want to accomplish by the end of the year. AND (this is really exciting to me) I’ve figured out what I need to do each week to accomplish those goals.

That may sound borderline control freak to you (and who I am kidding, I’m totally a control freak), but it also keeps my goals in the forefront of my mind. It’s also comforting to realize that I’m taking tangible steps to reaching those goals. So at the end of next year, I’ll be able to check everything off, my resolution list and write out new goals for 2011.

So come on 2010! Bring it on – I’m so ready!

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