Friday, September 3, 2010

Brushes with Fame

Through a combination of luck and randomness, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and be around people I really have no business being around. I’ve performed for Admirals and presidential family members; I’ve been to parties and shared cocktails with (at the time) the Secretary of Defense, Vice President, and president of the World Bank; discussed politics with members of the J5 and the commander of NORAD (and exchanged recipes with his wife); I’ve met Watson of Watson and Crick fame and Richard Dawkins. And despite my natural tendency towards social awkwardness, I managed to act with relative dignity in all of these situations.

But I am totally geeked out over my latest interaction.

We were listening to a Science…sort of podcast in the car. It was an old one and one of the topics was sympatric speciation. Kevin, not being familiar with the concept, misheard the word “sympatric” and asked me why they kept referring to “St. Patrick”. So of course, I tweet about it. When I finally stopped laughing, that is.

And then it happened…

Science…sort of retweeted it. And responded. And now they follow me on Twitter!