Monday, May 17, 2010

My Favorite Things Monday

Last week was just a little nutty around here. And it just flew by! Suddenly it was Friday again - thank goodness, I love Friday!

Anyway, keeping with my little bloggy tradition, I'm posting another of my favorite things. These gorgeous blue glass candle holders.

I took this picture directly from Pier1's website because I can't be bothered to find my camera and the one off my blackberry just isn't doing them justice.

I love blue glass.  Love, love, love it.  Its that just-right tone of aqua that makes my heart swoon every time I look at them.  Until recently, things like these candle holders fell strictly under the category of "I love that but its not practical", but then I started my campaign that little things make a house a home and those babies were mine!  I even paid full price for them (unheardof).  I think they're on clearance now, but I have no regrets.

In fact, I've been stalking some blue glass mason jars on ebay...maybe they'll show up here one Monday.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Favorite Things

One of the things that has been hardest for me as a military wife, has been our move away from our family and friends.  I know that I am very lucky in that I've only done one move, that I get to visit home often, and that I can stay with my husband.  I'm fond of saying that "home is where my husband is" and I believe that with all my heart.  But I still get homesick quite a bit.

To remedy that I'm going to start focusing on the little things that I love here.  They may be an activity, a place, or the little things in our house that make it home.  I think that its important to focus on the good instead of the bad and its high-time I start doing it.  So once a week, I"ll post one of my favorite things.  I hope that some day others will want to join me and I can add a Mr Linky to these posts.

So in honor of that, here is one of my favorite things...picnicking in the spring....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oh hiiiiii

Hi there....oops....I guess it doesn't count when I just think of posts in my head but don't actually write or publish them....will have to fix that.