Thursday, June 3, 2010

If My Blog Template Were a Room, I'd Never Want to Leave It!

Isn't my blog pretty? 

No really, isn't it just really, really pretty?  I love it.  Honestly, I want to decorate my house like my blog.  In fact, I think I'll get going on that. 

Alas, I cannot take credit for the pretty here - its all thanks to Penny Lane Designs.  In fact, this is one of her predesigned templates.  Can you believe it?  You should go check her it out, gorgeous stuff over there!

And to top it off, Marina is easy to work with, quick to deliver, accomodating, and very sweet!  What more could you want in a blog designer? 

So get yourself over there and start redecorating!  Go, go, go!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I've Always Wanted to Say that I Fried the Motherboard

....and now I can!  The old lappy crashed and burned and was out of commision for about a week.  Thank goodness for warranties and helpful IT people.  I'm now back up and running...

And of course, way behind on work and everything else.

But the nice thing about having a blog that no one reads?  No one notices when you take unplanned leave!