Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Suppose It's Best that I'm not a Vegan...

What is it about my parents’ house that makes me forget what a vegetable is? It really makes no sense. At home I manage 5-6 servings a day. Add to that the 3-4 servings of fruit I eat and you might think I was some sort of nutritional goddess.

But when we visit my folks, not so much. We were there for a solid 3 weeks and I averaged mayve 1 serving a fruit a day and half a serving of vegetables. Truly pitiful.
It is so funny to me how such a little thing like that can throw my eating off so completely. It’s not like we’re truly guests and I have say in what groceries get bought and suppers are made. But nonetheless, I am veggie-less.

Maybe it’s just easy to fall into childhood eating habits where food is safe and frequently canned. It works for them, who am I to suggest we sub some spinach for the biscuits? Or maybe, because I’m no at a perfect weight, I’m embarrassed to suggest a healthy change?

Whatever the answer is, my fridge, abundant with fresh produce is the one thing about Wyoming I missed over our holiday break. Bring on the veggies!

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