Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

May your days be merry and bright...

And may all your Christmases be white.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Joy That Will Last

Forgive me for a moment while I count my blessings.  We got some news last night and I'm in a snit about it.  That new found Christmas joy I bragged about in my last post was short-lived.  But the best way I know to get over myself  is to think about all the good things in my life.  So here we go...

1.  I have a wonderful husband and stepdaughter and I get to spend Christmas with them
2.  I have amazing parents and extended family and I get to spend Christmas with them as well
3.  In this economy, my workplace let's me live several thousand miles from the home office
4.  Despite the fact I can't live in the dream home we bought, it is rented by people we trust and who take good care of it
5.  I have fantastic friends
6.  Three snuggly kitties are waiting for me at home
7.  We've gotten to do and see things we wouldn't have if we weren't stuck in the wild, wild west
8.  Since we're military we don't have to worry about Kevin losing his job or health care
9.  I'm able to take lots of time off around the holidays to spend as much time as possible with my family
10. There are a million little things from creature comforts to small acts of kindness that make all of my days special.

Goodness.  I feel much better.  And now, the news we got last night?  It seems silly now. Kevin and the kiddo were arriving today to spend two and a half weeks home with me.  Yesterday over half of Kevin's leave got cancelled (and not because of anything important, just due to some poor management on someone else's part) so they'll be returning much, much earlier than expected.  Now it doesn't seem so bad - I feel silly for being upset.  There are so many people who won't be spending any of the holidays with their loved ones and I had the nerve to complain.  Shame on me!

I've got my head screwed back on right now.  Thanks for letting me work that out.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Little Christmas, Right This Very Minute

I've been grouchy.  And despite having been surrounded by Christmas lights and music for weeks now, I wasn't feeling the spirit.  In fact, I've been feeling put-upon and overtaxed.  Even visiting the Pageant of Peace at the Ellipse didn't help.  Neither did Christmas baking and fudge-making.

But then, in my normal blog wanderings I came across this post at the Bloggess. I just asked to be added to the list of donors, and although I haven't been matched yet, I already feel Christmas-y. 

This is what I've been missing.  Giving to someone who could use the help.  We're blessed enough to be able to afford Christmas gifts and a Christmas supper and heat and our home.  Now we're lucky enough to be able to give a bit of that to someone else. 

It's making my day. In fact, being given this opportunity to help may be the best gift I get this year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

And then it was December

This time flying thing has GOT to stop

But clearly it must be Christmas time because the Scar put on her festive Christmas hat.